Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Refugee partition, job application

There is a partition for the refugees on Nauru you might want to take a look at at:

As for me I am about to hand in my first job application in 17 years to apply for the first job I will have had in 12 years. If you pray and you read this I would appreciate your prayers. I've realised a lot of the problems I have are the result of the low self esteem that has come from being out of work for so long rather than the CFS directly.

Love & blessings, Joe :-)

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

First post, walking & upgrade to degree

G'day ya'll. This is my first post so I'm just going to say something to get the ball rolling. I would have liked to have this as part of my Geocities site but a free Yahoo Geocities site doesn't include FTP access so I'll leave my previously published thoughts there and start afresh here with nutin' but a link between them.

I've picked up a new flatmate - Michael - and he's heavily into walking so I have begun getting into it as well. This could mean that I'll end up fit, healthy & good looking instead of overweight & spending too much time playing computer games because I'm too tired to do anything else because of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

Also I believe it is time to get back into the upgrade from my Diploma of Ministry to a Bachelor of Ministry. My hope is that I'll at least finish one subject upgrade in first semester & get something done in 2nd semester but I'm having a fantasy of finishing my Church & Ministry subject upgrade (which I have mostly done) before enrollment day this year & getting a big start on my Introduction to Church History subject upgrade, enrolling in the other 3 subject upgrades I need in 1st semester & then doing the 3 extra subjects & 40 hours field work I need to get my degree in 2nd semester. Just so you know what I'm talking about - I have completed a Diploma of Ministry but most of the time I was studying at degree level so I only need to submit a bit of extra written work for 5 subjects I've already done at diploma level, do an extra 40 hours field work & write it up, and do 3 extra subjects & I'll have met the requirements to get my Bachelor of Ministry (training to be a pastor or some such profession). I've been doing my studies at Tabor College in Miranda, Sydney, New South Wales (NSW), Australia.