Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"The Hidden Connections"

I've just been reading a great book by Fritjof Capra called "The Hidden Connections" which is about a network view of science & life, the consequences of economic rationalism & unbridled capitalism (which is basically death for us all if things continue as the are going), & some different ways of doing things that will lead us away from destruction.

I thought I was going to write a whole big blurb about it & the thought's it has inspired in me but it's not in me. Maybe the problems with racism that we "don't have" (to paraphrase John Howard) in this country which have just blown up in our face have gotten me down a bit. John Howard's wife should try going down the street with a scarf wrapped around her head & see if she still thinks we're not racist (or something ist, whatever picking on Muslims is called), a suggestion I just emailed to him.

Joe :-)


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